



火币(HTX )






2023-01-07 22:10:13 2325



近日,国际最知名的威士忌零售商The Whisky Exchange(简称TWE)公布了2020年度最受欢迎的10款朗姆酒。下面,就给大家简单介绍这10款朗姆酒(不分顺序)。

1、St Lucia圣卢西亚庄主珍藏大师精选8年朗姆酒(TWE装瓶)(Chairman"s Reserve Master"s Selection 2011 / 8 Year Old / TWE)

产区:圣卢西亚(St Lucia),酒精度:46%,国际售价:49.95英镑

推荐词:这款极富光泽和果味的朗姆酒来自圣卢西亚,由TWE选酒和装瓶,它是单一传统混合型朗姆酒,由庄主珍藏的John Dore 1 号壶式蒸馏酒和传统柱式蒸馏酒调配而成,充满果味和辛香,壶式蒸馏的香料气息与柱式蒸馏的水果气息融合得非常平衡(A bright and fruity rum from St Lucia, specially selected by and bottled for The Whisky Exchange. It"s a single traditional blended rum, bringing together spirit from Chairman"s Reserve"s John Dore 1 pot still and its traditional column still. The result is a fruity and spicy rum, carefully balancing spicy pot-still against fruity column-still spirit)。

2、Fiji斐济南太平洋13年朗姆酒(Fiji South Pacific 13 Year Old / Compagnie des Indes)


推荐词:这是一款传统的单一壶式朗姆酒(Single Traditional Pot Rum),采用溪水作为水源,在南太平洋岛上熟成13年,具有强烈的辛香,散发出刺柏和白巧克力的香味,并带有肉桂、孜然和四川胡椒的辛辣味道(This Fijian rum is made with stream water and distilled in a pot still for robust, spicy flavours. Aged for 13 years on the South Pacific island, it displays aromas of juniper and white chocolate, with a spicy palate of cinnamon, cumin and Szechuan pepper)。

3、Black Tot布莱克·托优质加勒比朗姆酒(Black Tot Finest Caribbean Rum)


推荐词:Black Tot将优雅和富有水果味道的巴巴多斯朗姆酒(Barbados)、浓郁强壮的圭亚那朗姆酒(Guyanan)和时髦的牙买加朗姆酒(Jamaican)混合调配,打造出一款融合热带水果色调、巧克力和咖啡的浓朗姆酒,一改过去那种深黑浓郁的风格,可以说是朗姆酒传统风格的现代表现方式,其灵感来自于已经300多年的海军传统,吸取了英国海军朗姆酒的核心,是一款较为清新、富含果味的朗姆酒(Black Tot is a modern take on an old style of rum, inspired by more than three centuries of naval tradition. Bringing together the core components of British Naval rum, Black Tot is fresh and fruity spirit that blows the cobwebs off the stylebook. Rather than the rich and dark style of the past, Black Tot layers elegant and fruity Barbados rum with rich and full-bodied Guyanan and funky Jamaican to create a rum that marries tropical fruit tones with a rich undercurrent of chocolate and coffee)。

4、Angostura 安格仕1号桶精选16年(第二版本)朗姆酒(Angostura No.1 Cask Collection 16 Year Old / 2nd Edition)


推荐词:这款安格仕1号桶精选16年(第二版本)朗姆酒是由加勒比海知名朗姆酒品牌 Angostura(安格仕)推出,先在美国白橡木桶熟成超过10年,然后转移至再填法国红酒桶中陈年6年(The second edition in Angostura"s No.1 Cask Collection is a blend of rums aged initially for 10 years, which are then finished for a further six in refill French oak)。

5、El Dorado艾尔多拉多穆兰特港15年(1999)珍选朗姆酒( El Dorado Port Mourant 1999 / 15 Year Old / Rare Collection)


推荐词:这是一款穆兰特港酒厂1999年酿造的年份朗姆酒,经由世界仅存的最后一个仍可使用的双组木制蒸馏器生产出来,穆兰特港酒厂关停时被圭亚那德梅拉拉(Demerara)酿酒厂下的艾尔多拉多(El Dorado)品牌所拥有,复杂并带有烟草、甘草、糖蜜和一丝泥煤烟熏的味道(A 1999 vintage rum made in the last remaining operational double wooden pot still in the world, moved from the Port Mourant distillery when it was closed. A complex rum with notes of smoke, liquorice, molasses and a hint of peat)。

6、Mount Gay奇峰黑桶双桶混合朗姆酒(Mount Gay Black Barrel Double Cask Blend)


推荐词:奇峰黑桶2020年版采用了比以往更老的朗姆酒混合而成,熟化3-7年后再转移至重度烘烤的波本桶收尾6个月后装瓶。具有复杂的烤橡木、温暖的香料、苹果和橘子的香味,口感平衡,具有浓郁的香料和多汁水果味道,并伴有甜焦糖和奶油香草的味道(The 2020-release of Mount Gay Black Barrel is a blend of older rums than previously, matured for between three and seven years, and finished in heavily-charred ex-bourbon casks for six months before bottling. Complex aromas of toasted oak, warm spices, apples and oranges fill the nose. The palate offers a balance of bold spices and juicy fruit, with hints of sweet caramel and creamy vanilla)。

7、Appleton Estate艾普顿8年珍藏朗姆酒( Appleton Estate8 Year Old Reserve)


推荐词:艾普顿8年珍藏朗姆酒是2020年发布的新产品,平顺甜美,具有太妃糖苹果、肉桂、姜和柔软的橡木香料等味道(A brand new presentation of Appleton Estate Reserve eight-year-old, released in 2020. A smooth and sweet Jamaican rum, it offers notes of toffee apples, cinnamon, crystalised ginger and soft oak spice on the palate)。

8、Doorly"s XO Rum多利XO朗姆酒(Doorly"s XO Rum)


推荐词:来自巴巴多斯Foursquare酿酒厂,采用壶式和柱式蒸馏朗姆酒进行混合,陈年至少6年时间并在Oloroso雪莉桶中收尾。有着浓郁的水果味,伴随着太妃糖、葡萄干和香草的味道。标签上印有世界上最大的金刚鹦鹉——大风信子金刚鹦鹉(This blend of pot and column still rum from Foursquare distillery in Barbados has been matured for at least six years and finished in an oloroso sherry cask. This rum has a rich, fruity character, with notes of toffee, raisins and vanilla throughout the palate. The label features an image of the grand Hyacinth Macaw – the largest macaw in the world)。

9、外交官精选珍藏朗姆酒(Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva Rum)


推荐词:这是一款极好的委内瑞拉深金色朗姆酒,用糖蜜经铜制壶式蒸馏器蒸馏而成,并陈年了12年。复杂,甜美,果味浓郁,这正是我们喜欢它的原因,曾在2007年的朗姆酒品酒大赛上获得了金牌(A fabulous Venezuelan dark golden rum, distilled from molasses in a copper potstill before 12 years of ageing. Rich, sweet and fruity, just how we like "em. Fantastic quality for the money, Diplomatico was awarded a Gold Medal at the 2007 Ministry of Rum Tasting Competition)。

10、圣特雷莎1796朗姆酒(Santa Teresa 1796 Rum)


推荐词:有苦巧克力、坚果和黄油饼干的味道。这款朗姆酒通过索莱拉法酿造的,非同寻常。先将不同年份的朗姆酒橡木桶层层堆放,最老的(陈年约35年)放在底部,当酿酒师从一层橡木桶中提取部分朗姆酒后,再用更年轻的酒液将其加满(Honeyed single estate rum from Venezuela with elements of bitter chocolate, nuts and buttery biscuits. It is made, unusually for a rum, through the solera process: casks of different aged rums are stacked vertically, the oldest (aged around 35 years) at the bottom, and as the distiller draws rum from one cask they top it up with younger liquid from the blend)。


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